Digital Business Starter Package
Starting a new business in today’s digital landscape can be overwhelming, but we’re here to simplify the process for you. We have crafted special packages designed to kickstart your business and ensure a solid online presence:
🔸 3-Month Starter Package
Perfect for new businesses:
A custom website with 3 months of hosting included, providing you with the online presence every modern business needs. Post the initial period, the hosting fee is $20/month.
Creation and 3 months of management for your Google My Business page, essential for local businesses.
Creation of social media pages on Instagram Business, Facebook Business, LinkedIn Business, and Twitter Business, establishing your presence where your customers are.
Google Ads quick launch service: get your business in front of potential customers quickly with pay-per-click search ads for the initial 3 months.
1 hour/month of strategic consultation via video chat, helping guide you through the early days of your business.
Special Package Price for 3 months: $2,999
🔹 6-Month Advanced Package
When you’re ready to take the next step:
Everything from the 3-month package.
An additional 3 months of website hosting, Google My Business management, and Google Ads services.
Increased strategic consultation to 2 hours/month via video chat, helping you to navigate through your growth phase.
Special Package Price for 6 months: $5,799
🔺 12-Month Elite Package
For long-term success:
Everything from the 3-month package.
An additional 9 months of website hosting, Google My Business management, and Google Ads services, ensuring a steady online presence.
Further increased strategic consultation to 3 hours/month via video chat, providing ongoing guidance for your business’s development.
Special Package Price for 12 months: $10,999
💫 Boost Your Business with Discounted Add-On Services
Amplify your business impact with these powerful add-ons, available at exclusive discounted rates when you purchase any of the above packages:
Fully-Edited 15-Second Video: Originally $999, now available for $700! Make a lasting impression with a professionally produced video.
SEO Services: Originally $400/month, now available for $349/month! Ensure your website is found by potential customers searching online.
Listing Services: Originally $500/year, now available for $400/year! Expand your online visibility by having your business listed on over 40 websites.
Our carefully curated packages and discounted add-on services offer a comprehensive, easy-to-implement solution for establishing and expanding your online presence. Contact us today to make your business dreams a reality. The future of your business in the digital world starts here!